
>This phone line can prevent a lot of trouble<
>This phone line should not be seen as a substitute for medical science<

Welcome to the site of the only Official Attention Line.

This paid telephone line is there for anyone who could use some attention. Cheaper than a psychologist and much more accessible. Should the need be there call us. We are there for you. Do you feel alone or are you shy for a chat, are you afraid to leave your house but still need contact? Then call us, we are here for you 24/7.

Kind regards,

The team of The Official Attention Line.

[wp_call_button btn_text=”Call us” btn_color=”#269041″ hide_phone_icon=”no”]

Reasons to call 0909-7222 722:

  • Do you ever feel alone? Real people in front of you on the phone
  • Suitable for all ages. Anyone can call, from young to old
  • The line could be stress relieving
  • You can confess all you want you don’t know us anyway
  • Are you missing a good conversation partner?
  • You can tell your story anonymously
  • Want to practice getting rid of your calling fear?
  • When you finally talk about something it feels good
  • Do you have a secret that no one should know? Then call us to tell it in confidence
  • Dejected? Talking helps!
  • Depressed? Talking is good for you
  • Feeling down and MUST blow off steam?
  • Business contact also possible
  • Experiencing a panic or anxiety attack? Feel free to call.
  • Talking is healthy. Talk yourself healthier.
  • This line is cheaper than a psychologist and much more accessible and possibly more effective
  • Open 24 hours, 7 days a week
  • Don’t dwell on your issues but talk about them
  • Talking is refreshing and can relax you


When you call the Attention Line, you pay €0.90 per minute. From that, the following costs are deducted for us:

€0.04 per call
€0.07 per minute
€45 per month to use the number
6% on the amount called including VAT

We’re here for you. Feeling alone or shy for a chat, afraid to leave your house but still in need of contact? Then call us, we are here for you.

[wp_call_button btn_text=”Call us” btn_color=”#269041″ hide_phone_icon=”no”]

Still in doubt? Then save this number 0909-7222 722 just to be sure.

No need to call but still want to contribute? Make your donation for the only Official Attention Line and help reach more people.

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Geen gegevens gevonden


I will need the Attention Line once and I am glad that it exists. I am now calling 09097222722.

No rights can be derived from the words spoken in the telephone conversations that take place.

De Officiële Aandachtslijn Chamber of Commerce Netherlands number 68099320

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